Me happy and pumped before the race. My husband said it was cheating to get my picture at the Finish Line before I finished, but I knew I wouldn't get a chance later! |
Me and my favorite little Munchkin. She got up super early to cheer on her Mama! |
So, today was a cause for Celebration! Not only am I five months out post-surgery and down 110 pounds, but today I ran my first 5K. I've been training for several months now, and it paid off because I did great and felt fantastic! My goal was to just finish the race in 45 minutes, but I crossed the Finish Line at 36:29!!! Whew, what a relief - I didn't come in last! In fact, I finished 4th in my division. Just a spot short of getting a medal :(
I still feel like a winner though because this is a huge accomplishment for me. Five months ago I couldn't have walked a 5K let alone run the whole thing and still finish smiling! While I was training and miserable, I kept telling myself that this would be my first and last race, but now.... you could probably talk me into it!!! :) I'm definitely not a "typical" runner and I doubt I'll ever run a race longer than this (I just love my knees too much) but at least now I can say I am a "competitive" runner! ;)
And I'm off! Just another face in the crowd, but it was very personal accomplishment! |
Me coming up the last stretch on the Jordan River Parkway. It was actually a very pretty run. |
Kicking it into high gear for the last 100 yards! Go me! |
Feeling really good now. Just passed my family with my little girl yelling, "Go, go, go"!!! |
Just seconds before I crossed the Finish Line. Yahooooo!!! |
I finished!!! Big hugs from my super-awesome sister, Brandi, who came to support me so early in the morning! |
Yup, me and my cleavage! We made it together! Or should I say I made it in despite of my cleavage!!! :D |
Two thumbs up for me!!! Yiiiiipppppeeeee!!! |
I'm so proud of you Kina!!