Last Saturday I ran my first 10K race. I chose the Utah Valley Marathon because I heard it was a fast, easy course. It didn't disappoint! This was my favorite race by far. I'd prefer 6 miles over 3 miles any day, and the weather was actually perfect. I started out conservatively at a 11:30 to 12:00 pace, but soon realized I could push it a lot harder. I crossed the finish line at an 8:00 pace which averaged out at a 10:00 pace. The only stupid thing I did was not knowing that the race was actually 6.4 miles long and not just 6 miles, so when my watch showed 5:90 miles I started sprinting towards the finish... I've trained sprinting for 1/10 of a mile, but not for half of a mile! I couldn't slow down though with thousands of people cheering me on, so I finished at an amazing time - just over an hour! The only problem is that now, three days later, I still can't walk!!!
But it's all good, and I'd do it all again. And finishing 6th out of 41 in my division for my very first 10K race isn't too shabby. I'm already looking forward to my next race (that is if I can ever walk again...) I'm just trying to decide if I should do another 10K or if I'm ready for a half-marathon. This whole running thing is kind of crazy, but it feels good to be apart of it. I just have to be careful and not train too hard at this point. I already have Paroneal Faciitus which is basically tendinitis in my foot. I've been able to keep going with the use of KT Tape, but if I push it too much too fast it'll turn into a stress fracture and then my running season would come to an abrupt halt! I'm trying to be smart though. I just spent $200 on new running shoes and inserts and they seem to be helping. I guess we'll just have to see where this journey takes me...
Me at the starting line in my new race day outfit I bought. Cute, huh? :) |
My little trooper! It's not fun to have to wake up a 2 year old at 5 o'clock in the morning, and even worse when she throws up right before the race starts! |
Poor little Char was so sick, but she hung in there and was even ringing her bell when Mom came across the finish line! |
Woohoo! My first racing medal! Yes, it's just a finisher's medal, but I could care less! |
The beginning and ending of my race - just look for the hot girl wearing a pink tank and braids!!! :)
I didn't know you were blogging about this!!! I hope you don't mind but I posted a link to this on my blog because I have been laughing and crying and reading this blog for hours and I have to share it. This is amazing, woman! YOU are amazing and I can't express to you how very happy I am for you. You have an iron will and you can do anything! YOU ARE MY HERO! I love you tons, my Kina friend! GO KINA!!!