Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Words of Encouragement

This post will be quick, but I have to share a special moment - to me at least! I work out every morning at 5 AM at the gym, and this past Tuesday I decided to try something different and do Spinnning. I told the instructor it was my first time. She showed me how to use the bike and then told me not to get discouraged and that it would take 3 to 4 times for me to get comfortable with the workout. Well... I did the workout and honestly felt great - I probably could have pushed harder! The instructor came up to me after the class and said, "Wow! If you wouldn't have told me it was your first time, I would have never known. I can tell you are a very active, fit person". I had to smile a little bit because if she had only known me 9 months ago - this conversation would have gone very differently!!! My eyes are actually tearing up as I type because moments like this truly mean more to me than I can say. I have had setbacks, and I haven't been 100% perfect all the time, but I have worked so, so, so very hard to get to where I am at. I am so grateful for my life right now, and this amazing opportunity I have had to transform my life.

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