Monday, April 30, 2012

Cookie Chaser - 2K and 5K

It feels like I just barely posted my last 5K, but I guess it's been over a month... So, here we go! I ran the Cookie Chaser 5K in Riverton last Saturday. It was a low budget race, but still fun. Plus, I got to run a 2K to warm up before the actual 5K which was really nice, and I only paid $25 for both of them. I've been very surprised how expensive some of these races can be. I was going to do the Thanksgiving Point 5K that day, but it was $40. That's crazy to me. That's how much I paid to register for the 10K in Provo!
Me before the start of my 2K. These spring runs can be really chilly. It warmed up pretty nice later on, but my nose was running like a faucet... not very convenient or attractive!!!
Anyway, I loved this race for one reason - my mom got to be there! She has been such a huge supporter of me, and it was fun to be able to show her how far I've come. I know she's super proud of me and that makes all the difference sometimes! My results weren't too shabby either. I finished 4th out of 12 in my age group and 61 out of 348 overall. My goal was to finish in 27 minutes, and I did it - but barely!!!

The start of the 2K. I was using this race as my warm up run, so it was really low-key and fun!!!

I learned a lot of good lessons this race though. I only have a few more weeks until the 1 year mark of my surgery, so I'm not going to lie, I've been starving myself. I should have eaten more carbs throughout the week before the race, or at least on Friday, because I definitely felt my body running on empty the last half of the race. Another lesson I learned was that I need to cut my workouts down the week before a race. Weight lifting is a HUGE No-no because my arms are legs were still very fatigued the day of the race. Not cool!
Me before the start of my 5K. Making sure my Everclear and Metallica are really to go!
So, this will probably be my last 5K this year because I'm starting to train for a 10K. My goal (don't quote me on this) is to run two 5Ks, two 10Ks, and two half-marathons this year. We'll see how it goes, but the summer is still young and I'm already up to running 6 miles. If I manage to pull this off, these races definitely won't be for speed - I can tell you that already - they're going to be all about the endurance. If I finish with a 15 min/mile average, I'm gonna be dang proud of that!!!
The most awesome, most beautiful, most supportive mom in the whole world... and me!!! :)

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The New and Improved ME!!!

So, here it is. The post you've all been waiting for... the new, made over ME!!!
The finished project!!! New hair, makeup, clothes, shoes and jewelry!!!
I can't say enough how glad I am that I won this makeover. Not only was it incredibly fun, but I learned a lot about myself in the process. The makeover started at Victoria's Secret where I got two new bras (push-ups, of course) and very sexy! I was pleased to find out that I was still a 36D because after being triple that, I have been feeling anything but well-endowed! Then I got to go to Macey's department store (no, my sweet little niece, not the grocery store) where I had a personal shopping consultant, Eugena, pick me out a perfect, little black dress complete with a jacket and a $100 pair of shoes! Yikes!

Even though I loved the finished outcome, I also learned that even though I was trying on size 6 clothes and not size 26 clothes, I still don't LOVE shopping. I know crazy, huh? I also learned that I am not a brand-name kind of girl... aka - I'm cheap! Even when I wasn't spending my own money, I was shocked over the cost of things. Eugena kept telling me to choose quality over quantity. Hmm... she has obviously never had to stick to a budget! I also don't like getting waited on - let me get my own pair of shoes! Oh well, I guess there are worse things in life than not being a Diva, right? :)

The second part of the makeover was hair and makeup. My stylist's name was Kenzie and she was a sweetheart. She gave me a hip, new hair color and style, and even though I tend to like me better in dark hair, I actually really liked it. Plus, it's super easy maintenace which is perfect for a low-maintenance gal like myself! Seeing I haven't cut or colored my hair since my surgery, this was a much needed upgrade!!! The makeup was fun too because I learned a lot of really cool things. Now I just have to remember how to do them...
My stylist Kenzie working her magic.
The third part of the makeover was the "Reveal". Nervous? Extremely! Especially because we only found out we had to speak a few hours before the event! It turned out to be just fine though, and was even kind of fun. My old pagaent days kicked in and I actually felt very comfortable in my own skin and speaking in front of 100 people! Check out the videos!!!

What a fun night! My husband Chad even won a nice watch and a movie gift card! But, I have to mention this part too just because I always want to be honest with myself and anyone else who is going through this extremely difficult weight-loss process. After everything was over, and all that was left was me and my thoughts, all I could think of was how heavy I still looked as I browsed through the pictures and video of the evening. I had felt so pretty and special and yet all I could think of was how I needed to loose 20 more pounds!

It was a reality check to me that self-confidence, self-esteem, contentment and happiness still need to come from the inside out, and I'm obviously not there yet. I've pretty much been at the same weight now for several months, so I need to start accepting where I am at now and be happy and grateful for everything I've accomplished. I've lost over 140 pounds in under a year. I truly have worked my butt off!!! Diet and exercise really is the key to weight loss, but it is DANG hard!!! I have made so many sacrifices over the last year, and even though I still have a stomach "pouch" and enough extra skin to make my very own Frankenstein, I'm going to run, jump, hike, snowboard, dance and play with my little girl until I learn to love myself inside and out!!! Afterall, it's not about what number is on the scale, but the number of times you don't have to miss out on life because you're too heavy - and I already have dozens and dozens of those. So, I consider my weight-loss journey thus far a complete and total SUCCESS!!! Hurray for me!!!
Me with my short, shrimpy surgeon, Dr. Smith.
Me and my fellow makeover winners, Debbie and Linda. Between the 3 of us we've lost over 500 pounds!!!
Our "Makeover" Crew!!!
Had to include this picture because Charlotte was too funny. She had to be in all the pictures and would pose just like her Mommy!!!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Another 5K Under My Belt!!!

Last Saturday I ran my second 5K at Riverton City's event Run4Life. Even though the wind was definitely an obstacle, I was still able to shave 7 minutes off my time since my last 5K in October. I crossed the finish line at 29 minutes and couldn't be happier! My goal is to run 6 races this year, so I only have 5 left and I'm already registered for another one at the end of April. I hope to be running an 8 minute mile by the time I run my last 5K in October.

My husband bought me a sweet running watch for my birthday that tracks my time, distance, mph, route and even more! It's going to help me make my training a lot more productive. Who knows... maybe someday I'll even run a marathon!!!
It started out a very cold, windy day, but by the end of my run I was anything but chilly!!!
Hurray for runner #716. Hey, that's me!!!